
Risk Management in Manufacturing Industries

Industrial & Manufacturing Industry in Australia and New Zealand

Australia’s manufacturing industry makes up around 6% of the nation’s gross domestic product (GDP) annually. The sector also provides Australians with over 862,200 jobs and is worth over $30 billion. In 2017 in New Zealand, the manufacturing industry made up $23 billion (12%) of the country’s gross domestic product and directly employed 241,000 people. Petroleum refining and food production make up the majority of Australia’s manufacturing industry, followed by chemical, furniture, textile, beverage and plastic manufacturing.

While the manufacturing industry has declined in recent years, current government strategies aimed at supporting Australia’s economic recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic place a focus on rebuilding the manufacturing industry and shifting its market focus, aiming to increase investments made in the industry and its profitability.

Australian Industrial & Manufacturing industry legislation

The following Australian federal legislation may be applicable to your business within the industrial and manufacturing industries:
  • Consumer and Consumer Act 2010
  • Corporations Act 2001
  • Disaster Management Act 2003 (QLD)
  • Emergency Management Act 2013 (NT)
  • Emergency Management Act 2004 (SA)
  • Emergency Management Act 2006 (Tas)
  • Emergency Management Act 2013 (Vic)Emergency
  • Management Act 2005 (WA)
  • Emergency Management Act 2004 (SA)
  • Emergency Management Act 2006 (TAS)
  • Emergency Management Act 2013 (NT)
  • Greenhouse and Energy Minimum Standards Act 2012
  • National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting Act 2007
  • Renewable Energy (Electricity) Act 2000
  • Renewable Energy (Electricity) Amendment Act 2015
  • Renewable Energy (Electricity) (Large-scale
    Generation Shortfall Charge) Act 2000
  • Renewable Energy (Electricity) (Small-scale
    Technology Shortfall Charge) Act 2010
risk in manufacturing industry

New Zealand Industrial & Manufacturing industry legislation

The following New Zealand legislation may be applicable to your business:

  • Food Act 2014
  • Health and Safety at Work Act 2015

These lists are not exhaustive, and there may be additional legislation that is applicable to your business’ circumstances. Your business may also require specific permits or licences in order to produce and/or sell a particular product.

Industrial & Manufacturing Risk management

The use of heavy machinery can pose a great risk to personnel and business continuity. Faulty equipment or equipment in need of repair can disrupt business operations as it may affect the production line of a product, leading to short and long term financial and contractual penalties. Such equipment can also threaten the safety of workers and lead to injuries or loss of life. Managing risks in a manufacturing plant before they can cause a crisis can help reduce the number of disruptions your business could face and can also help protect the safety of staff and the interests of stakeholders.

Industrial & Manufacturing emergency management

At Resilient Services, we are expert risk managers in the industrial and manufacturing sectors. Our suite of services includes:

  • Risk management plans to define and mitigate risks to ISO 31000:2018
  • Business continuity plans to the ISO 22301 international standard to ensure that business interruptions are minimal and single points of failure are identified and managed
  • IT disaster management plans to restore critical I.T. equipment after outages
  • Cyber and ransomware protections, including policy formation, training and penetration testing
  • Supply chain risk management, such as evaluating any potential risks to a business’ supply due to international business interruptions including pandemics

We have supplied these services to the following sectors:

Enquire for services in the Industrial and Manufacturing Industry

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