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What is Disaster Management and why is it important?

In these unprecedented times, it has become clear that unexpected events require adequate preparation and planning. The future is full of unknowns, and planning for a disaster is only effective if that preparation is done in advance. For businesses, taking all necessary precautions to ensure that you are in the safest position possible, should a disaster occur, will ensure that damage to People, the Environment, Assets, Reputation and Livelihoods, are minimised.  

Undergoing a comprehensive disaster management analysis and creating a solid plan is the only way to go about this – but for many, this is unfamiliar territory. What exactly is disaster management? What benefits can it afford to your business? Read on as we give a concise breakdown of the value of this planning process and help you understand why disaster management planning is a necessary safety net for your enterprise.

What is disaster management?

The primary objective of disaster management is to prepare for the unexpected. Inevitably, all businesses are going to face risks during their lifetime, and both internal and external threats can cause incredible damage to an organisation’s profitability and longevity. Eliminating every and any risk is impossible, particularly with extreme events involving natural disasters or IT system failures. Putting your business in the best position possible before such events occur can allow your business and its personnel to effectively manage whatever may be thrown your way. 

The key principle behind disaster management planning is to identify and analyse potential risks. All potential emergencies, even the most unexpected ones, must be considered along with all potential risks that may eventuate. These events are also evaluated to see which could potentially cause the most damage to your business. Such analysis allows us to consider where the weak spots are in the current set up, and what can be adjusted to ensure your business is better prepared for the future. 


Why is disaster management necessary?

Waiting until the unthinkable has already happened to create a plan can have devastating consequences. No industry is immune to accidents or unexpected events such as production delays, property damage or IT system failure. Poor preparation for such incidents can lead to long-term financial damage, reputational damage, and threats to personal safety. Considering the worst-case scenario and how to prepare for it now can impact favourably on your business and protect yourself, and your personnel, from the potentially devastating impacts of a disaster. 

Disaster management is all about creating plans and systems that best prepare your business to manage potential risks. Should something unexpectedly arise that threatens your profits or resources, having strategies and precautions to rely on can make all the difference. Effective disaster management plans, which can take the form of Crisis Management Plans, Emergency Management Plans and even Business Continuity Plans, help to minimise critical disruptions, providing your company a long-term safety net. 

You can never know what threats could be posed to your business tomorrow. All you can do is prepare.

Who can benefit from a disaster management plan?

No industry is free from the risk of experiencing a crisis event, whether on a global scale or at the local level. No disaster management plan will exactly resemble that of another organisation, and each industry must consider a variety of risks and threats. Each plan is adjusted to have a particular focus on the areas that pose the greatest risks and most significant threats to the wellbeing and longevity of your business. Some industries that can benefit from large-scale disaster management plans include: 

risk mitigation


risk management framework


risk management strategies

Electricity Transmission and Distribution

risk mitigation strategies

Electricity Generation, including Renewables

risk identification

Gas Transmission and Distribution

risk mitigation plan


risk management melbourne

Industrial and manufacturing

risk management plans melbourne

Maritime (ports)

risk management process melbourne


risk mitigation melbourne

Oil and gas

risk management framework melbourne


risk management strategies melbourne

Office and Corporate

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