Women face many unique challenges in their careers, from gender pay gaps to breeder bias. In today’s society, women are still finding it hard to progress through their careers into leadership roles at equal rates to their male counterparts. The Women in Resilience Leadership webinar series has been developed to connect with women who are in crisis and emergency management, risk and resilience leadership roles, and for those who are interested in this career. We are offering support, discussion, innovative information, and a forum to share our experiences and knowledge with each other. We are not only passionate about our own careers in resilience but that of all women in these roles.
Our inaugural webinar will discuss ‘Why women, Why Now?”
If you find yourself asking why am I the only woman at the table? Or why do I feel I have to work so much harder than my male counterparts to be successful? This is definitely the topic for you. Women quite often begin their careers at the bottom tier and can face difficulties as they work their way up the corporate ladder. Everyday more and more women are leaving their leadership roles for various reasons, one being because their employer does not fully support them. In this forum, we will discuss these issues and ask you, and ourselves, what would happen if I left my role? Would there be someone that can replace me and the contributions, knowledge, and value I bring to my role and organisation?
We are passionate about seeing women succeed in leadership and the work that we all do as Crisis and Emergency Management Leaders. Our industry is ever-changing, and one change we would like to see is gender equality being embraced. We want and hope to change the preconceived ideas of what women are capable of and give each and every one of us more confidence, frameworks, and ideas to help assert ourselves and be more confident in our roles.
This forum is For more information, or to register, please contact sam@resilientservices.com.au